Legion Lake Lodge
Legion Lake Lodge features a collection of cabins and a newly-expanded dining room seating with water views and lakeside patio dining.
The Black Hills Playhouse, associated with the University of South Dakota, was established in 1946 as a summer stock theatre located in the Black Hills of SD. The BHP is one of the oldest continuously running summer stock theatres in the nation. It provides high-quality, professional theatre productions, and diverse artistic opportunities for theatre professionals and students in an idyllic, natural environment. Hundreds of thousands of people have enjoyed productions since 1946, and thousands of students have received training through BHP programs.
Legion Lake Lodge features a collection of cabins and a newly-expanded dining room seating with water views and lakeside patio dining.
There are several delicious dining options spread throughout the park, all open seasonally from the beginning of May through mid-October. Come hungry and ready to explore more them all.
Located 1/2 mile West on 16A from Legion Lake Lodge, the Centennial cabin is tucked away on its own, with ample parking and the Centennial Trail in its backyard. The craftmanship that went in to building this cabin shines!
One of the largest and newest cabins at Legion Lake Lodge, with incredibly convenient access to Legion Lake and two (2) private bedrooms.
These quaint cabins sit in a hilltop row and sleep up to six (6) with vaulted ceilings and library-ladder lofts.
Take an unforgettable safari through the park in search of pronghorns, elk, and the noble buffalo.
World-class hiking. Custer State Park is home to dozens of premiere trails for hikers of all skill levels.
The State Game Lodge is a gracious native stone and wood lodge est. in 1920 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.