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Pete, RePete, Stetson, Stormy & Swallow Fork

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Meet our group of horses below!

Meet Our Herd


Pete, a Haflinger, and his brother Repete came to the stables from Missouri in 2019. He was originally used for pulling. Pete and Repete used to pull wagons and had even been in parades. After retiring from being harness horses they were rehomed. Sturdy Pete is a reliable mount for anyone. He is always in the company of his younger brother and best friend RePete, and he loves to snack on grass and hay after a hard day’s work.

Age: 20

Color: Haflinger


Pete’s younger brother RePete is as chill and easy-going as they come. He has the classic surfer-dude look, sporting a long, blonde forelock, mane, and tail. He especially loves our half and full-day rides. RePete is gentle, friendly, and dependable. Always ready to hit the trails, Repete is a great horse who waits patiently to welcome guests to our beautiful park.

Age: 19

Color: Haflinger


Stetson came from a sale barn in Nebraska and is great with both kids and adults. He has a relaxed and comfortable pace and makes everyone feel at ease. He is best friends with his stall buddy Angus, and when not at work, Stetson enjoys relaxing in the shade of the ponderosa pines of the pasture.

Age: 25

Color: Sorrel


Stormy has called Blue Bell Stables home for almost twenty years and is one of our best trail horses. He is great with riders of all ages and always makes sure that everyone is comfortable and safe. Nothing makes him happier than a good scratch on his cheeks. He will lower his head and close his eyes whenever anyone goes to pet him. A lover and a sweetheart, Stormy continues to be a favorite for our guests and wranglers alike. Those lucky enough to ride Stormy are in for a treat, as you will have one of our most special horses as your personal guide through the hills.

Age: 24

Color: Black

Swallow Fork

Originally from a nearby reservation, our beautiful paint horse Swallow Fork is a staple of the stables. Swallow Fork is calm on the trails and has a sweet spot for our very young riders who come for our Lil’ Buckaroo rides. He loves his grass and belly scratches and can be identified by the swallow-tail-shaped “fork” on his ear that he had when he came to us in 2014.

Age: 17

Color: Paint

Ready to Book Your Trail Ride?

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At a Glance

  • 1-Hour, 2-Hour, Full Day Trail rides available
  • Lil' Buckaroo rides for the kids are guided by a Wrangler
  • Explore the beautiful Custer State Park backcountry
  • All trails involve mild creek crossings & some of the Park's prettiest terrain
  • Your horse will be assigned at check-in
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The Rest of the Gang

Bridger, Buttercup, Canary, Captain & Casper

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